
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Updates coming soon...

I seriously have been the worst blogger, but I have the best excuse, I started a new job this past week and have been too busy to even attempt to create a blog post. Anddd... I had my very FIRST bridal shower today, it was great. I will post ALL about it soon! Candy table, chocolate covered strawberries, buffalo chicken dip, omg my mouth is watering at the scrumptious foods we ate! Stay tuned!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

'Maids Dresses :)

Boy, did we have a problem with the dresses!!? First of all, I have 10 bridesmaids including my JR Bridesmaid. It is so hard to get everyone together at one time, but I cannot imagine my wedding without these girls in it. There has been some really tough times, but we have pulled through and they now ALL have their dresses. I am not going to lie I was the true definition of Bridezilla, but my friends were all very understanding, I had ALOT on my plate. The first dress is not blue like the picture, the color my girls have in this dress is Lapis, a dark purple. Thank you DB for not allowing me to get a picture of this dress in lapis. So just imagine it a dark purple.. :)

Well I originally planned for ALL my girls to wear the top dress but unfortunately, they sold out very quickly  and only 4 of my girls had it. I had to add another dress, so I decided to add another color too. The bottom dress will be on 4 of my girls. I love this color, Wisteria. The JR bridesmaid dress is a completely different dress as well as my first MOH's dress, both of them are in Lapis. I have done alot of compromising..

Did you have a bridesmaid dress mishap?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A little about our love..

First of all, I just realized, I haven't even told you our names, I am Katie and he is Jonathan, Jon, I almost have everyone calling him Jonathan, because I call him that, even his 3 year old little cousin, it is hilarious! We were both born and raised in small towns. No, we don't wear overalls.... And yes, we still have all our teeth.... We don't live in those 'types' of small towns, I understand, some people can be stereotypical. We love life as a couple and enjoy doing pretty much everything together. Don't get me wrong we do have our own 'time' with my girls or his guys but we never complain when it is just us. Our hobbies include: fishing, hunting, cooking, shopping, hanging with our friends, family time, and enjoying every second we have been blessed with. We have both went through hard times in our lives before we met one another, so we have learned to forgive and forget and this has opened our eyes as a couple and made us appreciate and respect one another and our love. We know what we want, and what we both want, is what we have. I lovee seeing old couples, and cannot wait to be that old couple rocking on the swings on our front porch holding hands when we are 80 years old.. Ok.. I know I am rambling.. I will begin posting wedding stuff soon! :)

Here is a few of our engagement pictures last year.. Don't hate on my half of the circle, for some reason, I could NOT get it right!

Welcome to our life..

Hey ya'll, welcome to our life. We are from a small town in Florida, on the path to becoming husband and wife and could not be more excited. I thought this would be a great way to document our journey and also a way for me to vent (yes- I have experienced every emotion possible during this planning process.) I have become addicted to reading blogs, so I figured, why not create one myself? We will be sharing every, most of every, step of the way with you. We would love to hear from you!  :)    Stay tuned!